Clifford Robert Olson, the infamous killer of children and teens in British Columbia...has finally died. Although the victims' families will never forget -- our justice system, as well as all its cronies -- forgot about 'Justice' long ago. CRO should have been put to death the same year he did his inhuman acts. He knew the system very well -- playing it for years. But now dead from cancer, the cancerous monster he was -- he now knows who the real Judge is -- God. (The sentence will now be swift -- an 'eternity' of pain and suffering.) There will be no lawyers, or cross-examinations.
These things said, the reason I would 'blog' this, was because of the sickening information that came to mind, also a little extra insanity thrown in. I would read (and knew) of Olson negotiating with Canada's the monster's effort to secure funding for his family -- something his wife should have waved in the bat of an eye. -That said, this becomes even crazier, when these things unfolded -- the killer willing to show the locations of the victims, at $10,000 for each one he would lead them to. And the following is why I 'blogged' this. That sick p___k cooperated with Law Enforcement -- giving them a 'freebie'...11 bodies for the price of 10. Shame, shame, on those (anyone) that would cater to this lunatic. There was too much time and resources wasted on this evil example of a human being. (I could barely say it.)
I'll say it again: The MONSTER is dead...and Justice is 'now' being served. He now has the 'darkness' to deal with, and what roams around in that darkness. It isn't about money anymore...
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A Kick At The Can...
Welcome everyone, to my Blog.
An attempt is being made, to display my written and created projects to an audience, that is the world. The Bigfoot/Sasquatch book 'Witnessing Bigfoot', is now on the market. The second project, is a kids' picture book, that is the traveling wanderings of a friendly satellite, and what he may see on any given time, both day and night. Available by e-book.
The final two projects are highly controversial. One so much so, that I have left a warning at the start of a novel, that is now over 408,000 words. (It is about the coming of numbering the global community - the human race.) It gives the reader another option to the gauntlet we are all running through. The last project is controversial as well. It involves our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The book involves what would be his abduction in his day. That project is being structured.
I hope to have each of these books on the market (one way or the other) in 2017/2018. The kids' book, Clancy Your Neighboring Satellite, is presently on Amazon's Kindle Program and Smashwords.
Thanks once again for stopping by, and allowing me a little of your precious time...we all have a story to tell.
An attempt is being made, to display my written and created projects to an audience, that is the world. The Bigfoot/Sasquatch book 'Witnessing Bigfoot', is now on the market. The second project, is a kids' picture book, that is the traveling wanderings of a friendly satellite, and what he may see on any given time, both day and night. Available by e-book.
The final two projects are highly controversial. One so much so, that I have left a warning at the start of a novel, that is now over 408,000 words. (It is about the coming of numbering the global community - the human race.) It gives the reader another option to the gauntlet we are all running through. The last project is controversial as well. It involves our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The book involves what would be his abduction in his day. That project is being structured.
I hope to have each of these books on the market (one way or the other) in 2017/2018. The kids' book, Clancy Your Neighboring Satellite, is presently on Amazon's Kindle Program and Smashwords.
Thanks once again for stopping by, and allowing me a little of your precious time...we all have a story to tell.
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